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Statement on the non-use of conflict minerals

Some of the metal minerals have become a major source of finance for armed rebel groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa, trading arms, perpetuating the bloody conflict between them and the Government, ravaging the local civilian population and causing international controversy. Such metal minerals are called “conflict minerals” and include metals such as gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), tungsten (W), and cobalt (Co). Teijing Optoelectronics hereby declares that it does not accept and does not use metals from conflict mining areas, and will obtain a declaration of origin or certification of 3TG necessary for the function or production of novel technology products from suppliers through the CFSI Conflict Minerals Report Template, requiring our suppliers:

(1) must fulfill the social environmental responsibility.

(2) Ensure that products and components do not use “conflict minerals” from Congo and its surrounding countries and regions “.

(3) Communicate this requirement to the upstream supplier.